- School
The saga with the planning application for a 420 place School at the site of the Old Police Station continues.
Following the rejection of the planning application by the Council we have again written to the Education Funding Agency, the agency that is funding the new school, and they have replied saying that they are considering their options. As far as we are aware the Council have not heard anything new.
- ERUV Planning application 2016/1436/P
The Council is still considering the application on a site by site basis trying to mitigate harm.
- Basements
The DHRA were asked to attend a hearing about the Council’s new policy regarding basements. The main points made were:-
1. In the s106 agreement between the Council and the developer it is important that party wall agreements should be included as part of any Detailed Construction Plan approved by the council under s106. Not to do so would effectively undermine a neighbours’ ability to comment on the construction methodology as, once it had been approved by the Council, it was difficult and potentially very expensive to challenge.
2. The level of damage to neighbours’ property should be restricted to Burland scale 1 outside of the zone of the party wall itself.
The inspector listened to the proposals and we hope she will include them in the final draft.
- Garden Party
The Garden Party went well in September and many thanks to Margaret and Christabel for organising it.
- Rubbish
Rubbish at the top end of the street continues to be a problem. Of course residents are allowed to put rubbish out on certain days for collection in strict time windows but I am afraid, with school holidays etc, the rubbish is sometimes put out days early and hence gets distributed across the street by the foxes. We are trying to sort out a permanent solution and Camden is collecting more frequently from the top 50 meters of Downshire Hill but it can still be bad. Camden is also searching through any fly tipping to see if they can the identify source.
As usual any questions please drop a note to number 8
Stephen D Ainger
Chair DHRA