- The Old Police Station/Abacus Primary School unsuccessful development proposal
There was discussion of Camden Council’s unanimous refusal of planning permission, after a full and informed 50 minutes’ discussion. The committee were satisfied at the outcome and expressed their thanks to Andrew for his endeavours.
There had been 12 grounds for refusal. It was felt that the turning point had been the councils position and evidence that there was no need for further primary school places in Hampstead.
Stephen outlined the possible next steps. There might be an appeal, but it would have to be within six months. Abacus could of course put in a new application. An appeal would necessitate a swift response with the appointment of a QC and registration as a Rule 6 party.
ESA had replied to Stephen stating that the new school must be for 420 pupils;210 was uncommercial. Stephen would write again now that the council had made a decision to see what they considered their next steps would be.
Mark reported that £9,500 was left of the School fund. The objection had cost around £16,000. £25,000 had been raised.
ESA might put the school up for sale. It could be sold to a developer to become luxury flats and a café. Tod Berman, Andrew, John, Nigel and Stephen would continue as a sub-committee to follow developments and report.
- Planning application for an Eruv.
As previously discussed, Downshire Hill would be within the area, with poles to mark it. Individuals had made their own views known but the Committee had not taken a position on the issue. There was no news.
- Cycle Super-Highway, Swiss Cottage
The gyratory being planned for Swiss Cottage was part of the major and controversial scheme which proposed to extend cycle lanes ultimately to Brent Cross. The committee expressed concern over the impact on roads across the area, and on Downshire Hill. A public meeting would be held before the end of September which all were encouraged to attend.
- Neighbourhood Plan.
The plan had been submitted; the inspector had responded with questions.
- No. 9 Downshire Hill.
The rebuilt property has still not been sold.
The meeting was adjourned.
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