- Minutes of last meeting/ matters arising.
Minutes of the previous meeting on 23 April were approved. - New members.
The committee welcomed Camilla Darling. - Security/Burglaries.
Sally was thanked for her initiative in organising a meeting with two community police officers. She summarised their advice – which she had previously also put on the street WhatsApp. The meeting’s principal value was perhaps to have flagged DH as a hotspot. She had requested further patrols.
Suggested measures to deter crime: chain bins so they are not used as ladders: not leave car keys visible: install cameras: lighting, encourage neighbourliness e.g. notify prolonged absences so that deliveries/rubbish does not pile up and attract attention: join the DH WhatsApp and DHRA.
It was remarked that barred shutters are also a valuable anti-burglar measure.
The committee agreed it was important criminal incidents were reported, and also that this connection to the police was kept up.
- Increased and chaotic traffic in the street.
Mark Dennis had delivered to every address an invitation to join the new working party to address this very serious problem. Response was good; a Traffic Group had been formed.
It was agreed the situation is now very bad, with frequent speeding, arguments and confrontations. Paddy O’Connor had been logging incidents and contacted a councillor. He will convene the group: Julian, Tony, Sandra, Redding, Charlotte, Sophie. Nicola, on the Hampstead Neighbourhood Forum, is well placed to follow South End Green developments relating to traffic.
The plan is to put a proposal to the council by September which represents the views of the majority of DH residents, who will be consulted.
Mark referred to the previous DH attempt in 2000 to improve traffic. It had failed because of opposition from other streets, although it had initially won support from the council. The council is now more in favour of measures to restrict traffic. Any proposal will require speed monitoring and hence involve expenditure.
- Hampstead Police Station
The police station is now for sale. - Biggy Best in South End Green.
Application for an off-license had been made until 12pm. It was agreed 11pm would be better. Andrew will liaise with Keats House about an objection. - Kojo.
Stephen Gross had followed up on the objections which individual residents and Andrew, on behalf of DHRA, had previously made to the planning officer (light pollution from lantern, illuminated sign. Noisy air conditioning). - O2 Centre, Finchley Road.
Planning consent had been given for 950 dwellings, but the new scheme envisages 2,000 dwellings. There will be wide impact on the area. Major objections can be expected. - DHRA website.
The committee warmly thanked Ian Thompson for his valuable work. The site will now go live. - Recruiting new members.
The plan is for Mark and Patricia to go door-to-door to recruit new members. - Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting will be held this year at the Freemasons. The DHRA party will take place as usual in September: both dates to be decided. - Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting will be notified.